some upload from Copenhagen. I definitely love this city, people look happiest than any others citizens.
if you go there you should shop at Ilum and Norgaard on Stroget.
Verterbro is great for vintage and new Designers. i really love live "on the road", its such a beautiful experience of life, changing city and country every days, meet new people, visiting new places...
it makes you more open minding and curious. i have the chance to share this experience with my Boyfriend. you cn like his band on facebook and see some more fun pictures of the tour if you like StaL on facebook :

pant isabel Marant (last summer collection) tee shirt urban outfitters shoes swedish has been
if you go there you should shop at Ilum and Norgaard on Stroget.
Verterbro is great for vintage and new Designers. i really love live "on the road", its such a beautiful experience of life, changing city and country every days, meet new people, visiting new places...
it makes you more open minding and curious. i have the chance to share this experience with my Boyfriend. you cn like his band on facebook and see some more fun pictures of the tour if you like StaL on facebook :

pant isabel Marant (last summer collection) tee shirt urban outfitters shoes swedish has been
11 commentaires:
Superbe Marta! tu as pri de jolie couleur en plus, toute bronzée!!!
et ce pantalon IM, waou je suis jalouse lol
il te va très bien! et alors cette tournée???
bisous bisous
Super cool Marta! I can only imagine how fun that is. And you look great!
I love those pants! I wish I owned them myself. It sounds like you had an amazing tour/vacation!
dandy stripe pants!
yessaiii le Jägermeister!!!!
j'adore ton style, simply et bien accordé, tu as beaucoup de chic!
J'adore les SH!
Hey, tes photos sont superbe, trés bon blog, ca serrais bien un jour tu fasse un article surt tes produits de beauté, maquillage, soins... Car t'es plutot toujours fraiche, bonne mine, mise en valeur, un ptit texte et des photos produit.. please please :) En esperant que t'y pense a ton retour ;)
Bon bon, meme tres bon blog !
Love your blog Marta. Miss Copenhagen so much that I had to share your pics on my blog.
J'adooore ton t-shirt !
Je voulais te demander, ou tu acheté tes housse de coussins, et tes couverture pour le canapé ( j'adore la matiere , le rendu )
that tea cup shop is so cute! I want to go there!!!! xx
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